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Jun 6, 2019 by admin | 0 Comments

Thinking About Thought Leadership? See What Wizard Media’s Founder has to Say on Forbes

Follow These Tips For Creating Compelling Content

Thought leadership—in which business leaders and professionals produce content that’s not focused on marketing their businesses, but rather on providing insider insights, useful information and tips related to their industries—is gaining in both popularity and effectiveness. Thought leadership can help build personal and business brands by positioning the authors as reliable, trusted experts in their fields.

Many business leaders want to engage in this type of content, but they may have many questions: What should I write about? Where can I publish? What if I’m not a “polished” writer? How do I find the time? While it may seem like a complicated process, with planning and dedication, producing thought leadership content is within every business leader’s reach. Below, 10 professionals from Forbes Agency Council share tips to help you get started.

1. Plan, Create and Distribute

Start with a plan. It’s tempting to create content that is trendy or timely, but it’s more effective to write about topics that align with the problems you solve for clients. Leverage external writers when you don’t have the time or the skills in house to write. Don’t stop at content creation—distribute your content far and wide through social, email, digital advertising, media and more. –Natalie Nathanson,Magnetude Consulting

2. Educate Your Audience

If you plan to use content marketing as a lead-generation strategy, be sure to educate your audience and give examples of the results that your education has provided. People don’t care about you, they care about what you can do for them. Focus on this in your content and leads will reach out to you to see how they can work with you. –Jimena Cortes,Wizard Media

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